May/June FARM Club Newsletter
Can you believe it’s June already? Our Club show will
be here in 4 months!
We have already had a couple events so far this year, but there are a lot more
left. The list of events are on our Club website, We will be
having a clean-up day at Oeders on Saturday June 9th
at 9am.
The Tractor Trek is June 16th and it is going to be outstanding! The new
starting place will be at the Warren County Fairgrounds. Registration begins at
8am and the ride leaves at 9:15am. We hope everyone can come out and support
the tractor ride. The donations are as followed: $25 registration for Tractor
and driver, $15 for adult passenger and $8 for child passenger.
Upcoming Events
June 9th – Clean-up day at Oeders
June 16th – Tractor Trek Meet at the Warren County Fairgrounds
Registration begins at 8am Ride leaves at 9:15 For more information
contact Gene Bustle at 513-899-3008.
June 23rd- Touch a Truck 10am-2pm
Fellowship Baptist Church, Please arrive by 9am
July 3rd- Fourth of July Parade, Lebanon. Unload Tractors at the fairgrounds,
staging area is on Oakwood, be there by 3:15 Parade
begins at 4pm NO CANDY THROWING.
July 4th- Parade at Otterbein 10am
July 4th- Parade at Blanchester. Staging area is at the High School 9am Parade
begins at 11 $10 entry fee per vehicle.
July 21st - Fun Pull Oeders Lake 9am.
For any questions, please contact one of our Directors:
Russ Rolke : 513-623-7562 or
Larry Flynn: 513-266-7413 or
Jim Patterson: 513-234-7927 or
Dave Siebert, treasurer: 937-623-4233 or
Regina Flynn, secretary: 513-266-7414 or
Club Secretary